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Publication Ethics

This Publication Ethics explains the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the publication of articles in Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK), including authors, editors, peer-reviewers, and publishers (Askara Indonesia). This statement is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics

This statement is based on COPE.


The publisher and editor of the Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK) are responsible for the journal's ethics. They are also committed to making editorial decisions that are not influenced by commercialization or outside pressure. The scientific method is supported and embodied by peer-reviewed articles. It is critical to agree on ethical standards for all parties involved in the publishing process: authors, journal editors, peer reviewers, publishers, and societies.



The editor of Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK) is in charge of selecting articles for publication. The decision is based on research importance and validation. Decisions are guided by the journal's editorial board policies and limited by applicable legal requirements for defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. In making this decision, the editors may consult with other editors or reviewers.



  1. Editorial Principles
  • The editor is accountable for journal content and accountability based on procedures and policies that apply to maintain the journal's quality and integrity.
  • Independence and editorial integrity are critical components of making fair and impartial decisions. This includes keeping decision-making separate from commercial and political considerations and ensuring that papers are reviewed solely on scientific grounds.
  • The editor safeguards the author's material as well as the reviewer's identity. A web-based article submission system helps to support this confidentiality process.
  • The editor offers advice to authors who promote transparency and accurate reporting. The author's obligation to declare funding sources and relevant financial and non-financial conflicts of interest is governed by the guide. Digital image files, images, and tables must adhere to field-specific standards. Images must not be altered in a misleading way from the original findings.
  • The editor employs anti-plagiarism software to perform extensive plagiarism, duplication, or publication tests.
  • The editor ensures the accuracy of published articles through the correction process. The editor takes action based on the severity of the errors. These actions include:
    • Article replacement due to editorial errors or, in rare cases, a conflicting result that, if ignored, can pose serious health risks. The editor will replace the published article with a new one that has been corrected by the author and checked by editors, and this will be noted in the document's history and on the announcement page.
    • The published article contained violations of the professional code of ethics, such as multiple submissions, false claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, or the like. Retracted means that the article content (HTML and PDF) has been removed and replaced with HTML and PDF pages stating that the article has been retracted in accordance with Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK) policy.
    • According to the court's rulings, removing an article violates the law. In this case, the article will be removed and replaced with a notice stating that it was removed for legal reasons.
  1. Editorial Processes

The decision whether to review

  • The Editor will first review articles that are submitted to the journal. Papers may be rejected at this stage if they do not meet the journal's goals and scope, or if they are of poor quality. This is an objective decision.

Interaction with peer reviewers

  • The editor must choose a peer-reviewed who has expertise in the field of the article. The editor ensures that the review process is completed within the time frame specified. Editorial policy changes must be communicated to all peer reviews on a regular basis. Peer reviewers should be specifically asked to evaluate ethical issues in research and publication (that is, whether they believe the research was conducted and reported ethically, or if they suspect plagiarism, falsification, or excessive publication).
  • The editor has the authority to disqualify the reviewer if he fails to complete the assignment as specified above. Editors are responsible for monitoring the quality and timeliness of peer reviews and providing feedback to reviewers.

Process of articles to be published

  • Articles to be published have been checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin application and corrected by an internationally certified professional proofreader.
  1. Editorial Decision-Making

Editorial and journal processes

  • All editorial processes must be made clear in the author's information. Every editor must be aware of the journal's policies, vision, and scope. The Editor-in-Chief is ultimately responsible for all decisions.

Editorial conflicts of interest

  • Editorial conflicts of interest may not be involved in decisions about papers where they have a conflict of interest, such as if they work or have worked in the same institution as the author and collaborate with them, if they own shares in a specific company, or if they have a personal relationship with the author.



  1. Contribution to Editorial Decisions

A double-blind review process is used by the journal. Peer review helps editors make editorial decisions and communicate with authors via editorial communication. Reviewers can also assist authors in improving the quality of their papers based on their expertise.

  1. Accuracy

If the reviewer is unable to complete the review within the time frame specified. As a temporary reviewer, the reviewer may raise objections or be unable to complete the task.

  1. Confidentiality

The received article must be treated as a confidential document by reviewers. They may not be shown or discussed with others without the permission of the editors.

  1. Standards of Objectivity

Papers must be evaluated by editors and reviewers based on their content. The review comment must be respectful of the authors. The reviewers must provide justification for their decisions and recommendations.

  1. Acknowledgement of Sources

The reviewer must identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the author. A reviewer should also draw the editor's attention to any significant similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper about which they are personally aware.

  1. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Peer review information or special ideas must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Keeping this in mind, the author's identity is not revealed to the reviewer. As a result, it is expected that conflicts of interest between reviewers and authors be avoided.



  1. Content of Article
  • The author is responsible for the contents of their publications and must use the methods of analyzing and displaying the correct data, checking calculations, and presenting data.
  • The author must present the images, research tables, and other findings from the study honestly, with no falsification or manipulation of inappropriate or misleading data.
  • To present their findings clearly and unambiguously, authors must attempt to describe their methods.
  • The author must adhere to the reporting guidelines and write an article for the Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK).
  • When an author cites someone else's work, the identity of the work must be clearly written in both quotations and references.
  • It is not permissible for authors to copy references from other publications if they have never read the cited work.
  • Articles involving experiments on living animals, both vertebrates and higher invertebrates, must confirm that all experiments are conducted in accordance with applicable guidelines and regulations. The article must include a statement identifying the licensing committee that approved the trial, as well as pertinent information.
  • Articles that do not include ethical considerations for human or animal subjects will be rejected for publication in the Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK).
  • Research texts that involve human subjects must identify the committee that approves the experiment and include a statement confirming that all subjects provided informed consent. Authors who conduct phase II and III randomized controlled trials should consult the CONSORT Statement for recommendations on how to report complete and transparent trial findings.
  1. Originality
  • Copyright laws and conventions must be followed. Previous research findings must be acknowledged and properly cited.
  • Data, text, images, or ideas derived from other sources must be properly cited.
  • If the findings have previously been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere, the author must notify the editor.
  • Adaptations for different audiences must be clearly labelled as such, must acknowledge the original source, and must adhere to copyright conventions and applicable permit requirements. Before republishing any work, the author must obtain permission from the original publisher.
  1. Authorship and Acknowledgement
  • All research funding sources must be identified and disclosed, including direct and indirect financial support such as equipment or material supplies, as well as other support such as specialist statistics or writing assistance.
  • All people who meet the writing criteria are listed as writers, i.e. all those who actively participate in the research and writing of articles and are responsible for the writing's contents, beginning with the preparation and writing of concepts, designs, and analysis and ending with the revision of the Article.
  1. Adherence to peer review and publication conventions
  • Articles submitted to the Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK) are not previously published or in the process of publication in other journals.
  • Articles submitted to the Askara Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas (AJKK) cannot be submitted to other publications at the same time.
  • After receiving conditional acceptance, authors must notify editors if they withdraw their work from review or choose not to respond to reviewers' comments. If the author wishes to withdraw their article during the review process, the journal will penalize them.
  • Authors must respond to reviewers' comments professionally and promptly.
  • Authors must notify editors immediately if they discover errors in any work submitted, received, or published. If a violation of the professional code of ethics is discovered in the Article, such as multiple submissions, false claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, or the like, the author is expected to take joint responsibility for the integrity of the research and report and must cooperate with the editor in issuing a replacement, retraction, or removal, as necessary.